Real-time Video Surveillance of Vessels from Offices

Real-time Video Surveillance of Vessels from Offices

We appreciate your continued support.

Our company has been persistently researching and developing a system that installs cameras on the onboard network, which can be utilized from offices.
Recently, with the spread of high-speed communications such as Starlink, it has become possible to monitor the real-time situation of the vessels from offices via videos.

Traditional surveillance systems have been a challenge, as they consume a large portion of the limited communication bandwidth of vessels during surveillance.
This had adverse effects on other communications on vessels, such as email, ECDIS updates, and operational data collection.
Our new system addresses this issue by effectively controlling the bandwidth used for video surveillance,
ensuring that it does not interfere with the communications of various subsystems on the vessel.
This is made possible by the ORiON network, which controls the entire vessel communication system.
We believe this enhancement will greatly benefit our customers.

Also, traditional systems posed a risk of information leakage to third parties if IDs and passwords were compromised.
Given that vessel surveillance videos contain critical important security information, it is imperative from a cybersecurity perspective to have more advanced access control.
Our system uses the highly secure ORION CLOUD for access, ensuring safety and mitigating the risk of unauthorized access.

We are pleased to share details about our developed system as below:

  -Vessel Camera Server (EYES Server)
  -Network Camera

These components are classified under the business network within the vessel’s internal network.
To know details, kindly please refer to the attached diagram.

We are currently conducting a beta test of the EYES Server prototype on a vessel, and it has been showing promising operational results.
We are planning to officially release it soon.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

Best regards,
