Regarding the understanding of vessel's PC information

Thank you for your continued support.


For vessels to which our network maintenance service is

applied, equipped with a mechanism to grasp the status of the

PC by ORiON Plus on the vessel. We collect the following

information and these information are useful for network support

in case of trouble.


・ PC basic information, PC name, OS, memory, etc.

・ HDD remaining amount and soundness information

・ Windows update status

・ Network information

・ Peripheral equipments information

・ Installed software and version

・ Services that are running


Previously, this information was used for our support, however

due to the increasing demand for cyber security, we decided to

release customers.


Customers who can access ORiON CLOUD can access it from the

ORiON DRIVE screen. Access crew> ORCA PC info folder.

TXT files are collected for each PC of the vessel, so please use that.

You can grasp the PC status by downloading and browsing the file.

In the future, we plan to implement an interface that makes

information visually easy to understand.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.