New phishing mail tricks

Dear Customers


Thank you for your continued support.


We call you attention to new type of phishing mail that we have confirmed.


please give your close attention to the attached pdf file. First of all, a mail sender pretends to be a major maritime company. Secondly, the mail seems to be attached some important document such as BL. It looks detailed document is attached on screen. However, this document actually a mere image file, and Internet link is hidden in this image file.ZIP file is downloaded if you double click it.


If you downloaded, unzip and execute the ZIP file, there is a possibility that your PC is infected with computer virus, or Trojan-horse program is put in your PC.


This is a trick which decrease your wariness over click by disguising a link as a document of "invoice" or "BL".


Please be careful especially users and vessels in environment where you can connect to internet.


Sincerely yours.

 <new type of phishing mail>