Reaffirm of file format in eNOAD Workbook submission

Important announcement:Reaffirm of file format in eNOAD Workbook submission


Dear Customers,


Thank you for your continuous support as always.


Although the procedure of submitting eNOAD has been changed from Infopath template to eNOAD Workbook, we acknowledge that every Vessels get used to it.


However, there's new issue caused by the changes.


   Case #1: some vessel should have saved and submitted an eNOAD Workbook in xls format but

      she had done with it in xlsx format.


 Case #2: some vessel had submitted a compressed eNOAD Workbook although it was completed

      in filling in xls format.


The both cases of above should be rejected.

We would like to remind Customers of following rule of file format once again.


Currently, USCG has declared that they can only accept an "Excel 97-2003 Workbook with file extension .xls".


According to them, an "Excel with file extension .xlsx" and any compression file can not be processed nor be rejected by NVMC.


Please note that the latest MS-Excel such as 2013 and 2016 can be saved as "Excel 97-2003 Workbook with file extension .xls".

If using the original file format which NVMC provides, the format should be the same, but when copying and saving the file in another file name, the format happens to be unexpectedly changed.


It is very important for Vessels to process the application without fails and if fails, it causes a huge critical issue such as getting charged "Off-Hire".

It has the potential for large impacts on her run.

Please be aware of the risks.


Thank you very much for your cooperation.


For inquiry, please feel free to contact us.


Thanks & best regards.